Friday, April 17, 2015

Perfect Stranger

On a whim leaving the grocery store, I decided to run into Marshalls and pick up a few things. Since my trunk was full of groceries, it would have been impossible to take out the baby stroller, so I slung my one year old on my hip for a quick in and out.

My one year old had figured out how to successfully lean far enough away from me to grab things off of shelves, admire them for a minute, attempt to put it in his mouth, and then throw the object that no longer appealed to him. SO picture me, trying to balance him, a few pictures books and a shirt, while repeatedly bending over to pick up and put away the various things he grabbed.

I made my way to the front of the store to check out, my arm starting to ache under his squirmy weight. I knew if anyone was watching me, they probably thought that I looked completely ridiculous. I would have agreed.

Out in the parking lot, I sighed as I tried to unlock a car that wasn’t mine, turning around when I heard someone call out to me.
“Excuse me, miss?”
Oh great, I thought. It was probably her car I was just trying to unlock. I stopped and turned to her, ready to apologize for the mix-up.

She smiled as she approached me, and started talking. “I don’t normally do this. But I would like to pay for your things.” She gingerly held out some folded up bills. As confusion appeared on my face, and continued on, “God has just laid it on my heart to buy your things, so please accept this.”

I was surprised and genuinely appreciated her kind gesture, but I couldn’t just take her money, could I? She was a perfect stranger!! I gently declined her generous offer.

She listened, and nervously started wringing her hands together. I could tell that she felt uncomfortable.

“I know this is really random. Believe me, I have NEVER done this before. I didn’t want to embarrass you in the store by just paying at the register, but I can’t ignore this feeling God has given me to buy your things.  It was the craziest thing; as soon as I saw you, I KNEW in my heart I was supposed to buy your things, and remind you that God loves you.”

I immediately felt gratitude and bewilderment rush through me.

I clumsily thanked her, trying to wrap my mind around what was happening.

She put the cash into my hand, gave me a swift hug and told me to have a good weekend.

I sat in the front seat of my car, and didn’t even turn on the car as tears of humility and gratitude spilled from my eyes. Thank you Lord! Only YOU could do that! Only YOU could use a perfect stranger to demonstrate your PERFECT love. Only you could come to me when I was feeling flustered and unworthy of receiving any gifts. Just thank you.

I know some people would explain this as someone just trying to pay it forward. Someone who watched a mom squat down 300 times because her silly baby loved the game of pick-up, and felt sorry for me. Perhaps it was an instance of being in the right place at the right time.

But I know in my heart of hearts that this was no coincidence. This was not luck. This was simply God using one of his followers to reveal himself to another. A gentle reminder that no matter what chaos ensues around us, He is there, and loves us. Right in the middle of the mundane, he does something extraordinary. I almost let my pride get in the way of accepting her money. I almost let this shining example of light pass right by me. Just the way we sometimes feel undeserving of God’s love grace and mercy.

I never even caught her name. She didn’t mention it, as she wasn’t worried about receiving the glory... So to the girl at Marshalls, thank you.
Thank you for giving me the money I’m sure you work hard to earn.
 Thank you for being such an amazing example of saying yes to God, even when it doesn’t make sense. Thank you for not ignoring the Holy Spirit pressing on your heart. Thank you for having the courage to approach me, not knowing where my faith stands.  Thank you for not giving up and walking away after I declined your offer the first time. Thank you for allowing yourself to be a vessel, extending God’s love to me.

Thank you for renewing my hope, in a scary and fallen world.